Pass the CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification Exam with our exact exam questions and answers and practice your FC0-U61 Exam online with the practice test engine.
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CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ Certification Exam
Update Date
14 Sep, 2024
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288 Questions Answers With Explanation
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Question # 1
A user wants to ensure port 3389 is open for remote desktop on a PC. Which of the following describes where
the user should verify the port is open?
A. Antivirus B. Anti-malware C. Device Manager D. Host firewall
Answer: D
Question # 2
Which of the following BEST describes the physical location of the data in the database?
A. Table B. Column C. RAM D. HDD
Answer: A
Question # 3
A user revisits a website and receives a message that the site may not be secure. The user is prompted to
click a link to continue to the site. Which of the following would MOST likely identify the issue?
A. Checking the proxy settings B. Checking that caching is enabled C. Checking browser add-ons D. Checking certificate validity
Answer: D
Question # 4
A user needs to enter text and numbers to produce charts that demonstrate sales figures. Which of the
following types of software would BEST complete this task?
A. Text editing software B. Visual diagramming software C. Spreadsheet software D. Web browsing software
Correct Answer: C
Question # 5
A company is concerned with ensuring its databases are highly available. Which of the following can be used
to increase database availability?
A. Backups B. Prioritization C. Indexes D. Failover
Answer: D
Question # 6
A large payment website was breached recently. A user is concerned that the breach will affect account
security on other sites. Which of the following password best practices would mitigate this risk?
A. Password history B. Password reuse C. Password expiration D. Password age
Answer: C
Question # 7
A systems administrator is setting up a new server using RAID technology. If one hard drive in the array fails,
the data is stored on another drive, preventing data loss. Which of the following business continuity concepts
does this explain?
A. File backup B. Data restoration C. Fault tolerance D. Restoring access
Answer: C
Question # 8
A technician has successfully verified full system functionality after implementing the solution to a problem.
Which of the following is the NEXT troubleshooting step the technician should do?
A. Determine if anything has changed B. Document lessons learned. C. Establish a theory of probable cause. D. Duplicate the problem, if possible
Answer: B
Question # 9
Which of the following does a NoSQL database use to organize data?
A. Primary keys B. Schemas C. Keys/values D. Tables
Answer: C
Question # 10
Which of the following is both an input and output device?
A. Microphone B. Speaker C. Touch-screen monitor D. Keyboard
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