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Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin
Update Date
14 Sep, 2024
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379 Questions Answers With Explanation
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The most skilled and informed IT specialists at Dumps4Solution are providing our customers with reliable, current, and real study materials in an understandable PDF format. With more than 95 percent of the possible scores, our specialists guarantee that our students succeed the ADM-211 (Administration Essentials for Experienced Admin) test with fully confidence. Our knowledgeable staff works extremely hard to update the ADM-211 study guide on an ongoing basis to keep up with IT industry norms. We never take our customers' time or money lightly and have made a great effort to provide them with the greatest, most user-friendly, and least expensive study materials possible. So, the chances of failure are less.
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The route you take to get Salesforce ADM-211 certification:
As Dumps4Solution is a complete solution of your exam related quires so we give your answers about all exam-based questions in detail:
What is the actual ADM-211 exam?
The "Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator" exam, also known as the Salesforce ADM-211 exam, is intended to assess the advanced knowledge and abilities of Salesforce administrators. It is meant for seasoned administrators who are proficient in customizing and managing Salesforce apps, as well as having a better understanding of Salesforce capabilities and recommended procedures.
What is the importance of Salesforce ADM-211 certification in IT market?
The IT industry holds the ADM-211 certification in high regard since it validates advanced Salesforce administrative skills, improves job performance, and advances career opportunities. Hiring trained individuals guarantees improved Salesforce instance management for enterprises, which boosts overall business performance.
What is the importance of Salesforce ADM-211 certification in IT market?
The IT industry holds the ADM-211 certification in high regard since it validates advanced Salesforce administrative skills, improves job performance, and advances career opportunities. Hiring trained individuals guarantees improved Salesforce instance management for enterprises, which boosts overall business performance
What are the Key topics of ADM-211 exam?
ADM-211 includes many advanced administrative topics such as safety and availability, applications and solutions from AppExchange, service cloud, sales cloud, analytics, data managements, change management, process automation, reports, dashboards, and user interface.
What benefits can I get from using Dumps4Solution to pass the ADM-211 certification?
Dumps4Slution's staff of seasoned specialists works very hard every day to make sure that the ADM-2011 study material is updated in compliance with IT industry standards, as a true supporter of its clients' success. We value our customers' time and money and have worked hard to bring them the most reliable, approachable, and affordable study resources out there. For this reason, many candidates who want to obtain higher IT certifications choose it. You receive the following advantages after preparing with the Dumps4Solution ADM-2011 certification exam guide:
Better career prospects, higher income potential, increased productivity at work, recognition of skill, enhanced understanding of the Salesforce platform, access to resources exclusively through Salesforce, greater job security, opportunity for professional advancement, validation of skills and knowledge and increased self-assurance when using Salesforce.
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Question # 1
In Sales force Territory Management a territory hierarchy is different from a role hierarchy
in that it grants login access to all users in a territory.
A. Supports assigning users to multiple territories. B. Automatically assigns users to sales teams in the territory. C. Gives users in a territory full edit access to all accounts in that territory
Answer: A
Question # 2
What is the fastest way to communicate new release information to your end users?
A. Feature detail pages B. Detailed release notes C. Admin preview document D. Discover button in application
Answer: B
Question # 3
What functionality can be used to create a new related record when a user saves a record?
A. Validation rule. B. Work flow rule. C. Visual force page. D. Apex trigger.
Answer: D
Question # 4
System admin wants to ensure that any user should not be able to edit the Account of other
A. Remove Edit permission from profile B. Set OWD for account as private C. Set OWD for account as public read
Answer: C
Question # 5
What is used to manage Content?
Choose 2
A. Libraries B. Directories C. Folders D. Links
Answer: A,D
Question # 6
What should system admin do while changing wide default sharing model?
Choose 2 answer
A. Export all data using data loader B. Define a lockout period C. Send email to all employees
Answer: A
Question # 7
What are some differences between Visual Force and S-Controls?
Choose the best answer.
A. Complete control of Ul B. Complete control of Ul, easy to create code, more manageable C. Client side D. All of the above.
Answer: B
Question # 8
What can be used to reduce the size of Formula field?
(Choose 2)
Answer: A,B
Question # 9
Personal tags can be viewed by Admins
A. True B. False
Answer: B
Question # 10
What is a benefit of creating a custom app for users?
A. Provide users with a place to share and install apps. B. Allow users to manage custom objects and tab. C. Gives users access to the tabs and records they need. D. Differentiates standard and custom objects for users
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