Pass the ADM-261 exam with confidence using Dumps4Solutions. Our up-to-date, reliable ADM-261 dumps ensure a high passing rate with comprehensive support
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Service Cloud Administration (SP24)
Update Date
14 Sep, 2024
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355 Questions Answers With Explanation
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The most knowledgeable and competent IT specialists at Dumps4Solution are offering our clients authentic, up-to-date, and credible study materials in an easy-to-understand PDF format. Our experts ensure that our students pass the Salesforce ADM-261 (Service Cloud Administration (WI24) Certification exam with complete confidence, scoring more than 98% of the attainable points. Our experienced team puts in a lot of effort updating the ADM-261 study guide frequently to be up to speed with changes in the IT industry. We have worked hard to bring our consumers the best, most affordable, and most navigable study resources available, and we never take their time or money for granted. Thus, the likelihood of failure is reduced.
You have to sign up at Dumps4Solution for purchasing it comprehensive exam preparation study guide if you want to do well on the ADM 261 test. We will provide you with up-to-date, reliable, and beneficial study resources so you can succeed. We created our dump in accordance with actual exam standards, and it is 100% legitimate and genuine. Our experts are working very hard on behalf of our clients to ensure that they pass the exam on their first try and choose the best resources that will enable them to earn a high passing percentage on the ADM-261 certification.
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The process that lets you obtain Salesforce ADM-261 certification:
We provide detailed answers to all exam-related questions since Dumps4Solution is a comprehensive solution for your exam-related difficulties.
What is ADM 261 certification?
Salesforce's "Service Cloud Administration" certification is commonly referred to by the ADM 261 certification. A variety of certifications are available from Salesforce to demonstrate proficiency with different facets of the company's cloud-based CRM system. The administration of the Salesforce-based Service Cloud application, which is used for customer support and service, is the primary emphasis of the Service Cloud Administration certification. The ability to configure and manage the Service Cloud application, including its features (cases, knowledge, queues, and entitlements), is demonstrated by this certification.
What role does the Salesforce ADM-261 certification play in the IT industry?
Because it verifies advanced Salesforce administrative skills, enhances job performance, and expands career options, the IT industry regards the ADM-261 certification in high regard. Employing skilled workers ensures that businesses will have better Salesforce instance management, which improves overall business performance.
What are the important topics for ADM -261 Exam?
An extensive range of subjects important to administrative professionals is covered in the administrative certification program, ADM 261. The following are some possible subjects to cover:
Techniques for Office Management
Strategies for Productivity and Time Management
Effective Written and Verbal Communication Skills
Records Administration and Document Control Superior Customer Service
Business Complacency and Expertise
Fundamentals of Project Management
Organizing and Managing Events
Administrators' Financial Management
Administrative Professionals' Need for Information Technology Skills
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Administration: Resolving Conflicts and Solving Issues
Teamwork and Leadership Capabilities
Workplace Inclusion and Diversity
Stress Reduction and Work-Life Harmony
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As a genuine partner of its clients' success, Dumps4Slution's team of seasoned specialists puts in a great deal of effort every day to ensure that the ADM-261 study material is updated in accordance with IT industry standards. We have worked hard to provide our consumers with the most dependable, personable, and reasonably priced study resources available because we value their time and money. This is the reason why a lot of applicants go for it in order to earn higher IT certifications.
After using the Dumps4Solution ADM-261 certification exam guide to prepare, you get the following benefits: improved prospects for career advancement, a higher potential income, more productivity at work, skill recognition, a deeper comprehension of the Salesforce platform, access to resources available only through Salesforce, increased job security, validation of knowledge and skills, and a greater sense of confidence when using Salesforce are all benefits of using the platform.
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Question # 1
Universal Container wants to measure the efficient of its Contact Center.Which three metrics should the contact center manager analyze?
A. Number of Closed cases on first call B. Average Number of days to close cases C. Number of open cases per day D. Number of cases escalated E. Number of new customers added
Answer: B,C,D
Question # 2
Which two configuration steps are required before Quick Actions can be used in Macros? Choose 2 answers
A. The specific Quick Action must be added to the Case Feed. B. Global Actions need to be on the publisher layout. C. The specific Quick Action must be added to the Case record page. D. Quick Actions must be enabled in the org.
Answer: A,C
Question # 3
What are some uses of in business continuity planning? (Choose 3)
A. To provide online security threat information B. To provide live and historical data on system performance C. To provide information planning planned maintenance D. To provide live support for system and data backup E. To provide best practices for continuity plans
Answer: A,B,C
Question # 4
Support process: escalation queue if not responded in 2 hours within business hours untilmarked Urgent which requires 24/7 resolution.
A. Workflow rule B. Validation rules on case process field C. Escalation rule to ignore business hours based on casecriteria
Answer: C
Question # 5
Universal Containers is changing their case management system to Salesforce. All activeaccounts, contacts, open cases, and closed cases for the past five years must be migratedto Salesforce for go-live.Which approach should the Consultant use for data migration?
A. Prepare, Plan, Text, Execute, Validate B. Prepare, Plan, Validate, Execute, Text C. Plan, Prepare, Test, Execute, Validate D. Plan, Prepare, Validate, Execute, Text
Answer: C
Question # 6
A company provides customer support for new products and for routine maintenance ofexisting products. These cases have many identical stages and fields, however, themaintenance cases are unique and have additional stages and fields that need to becaptured. Which two features would meet this requirement? Choose 2 answers
A. Record Types B. Support Processes C. Approval Processes D. Support Types
Answer: A,B
Question # 7
The Service Manager at Universal Containers is concerned that users will NOT be able tomanage cases in the Service Console efficiently and reduce clicks.Which feature should a Consultant implement to address this concern?
A. ConfigureMacros B. Multiple Monitors Components C. Collapsible Sidebar Components D. Console Keyboard Shortcuts
Answer: A
Question # 8
Universal Containers' customer service technicians need to access the followinginformationwhile at a customer site to complete the service call: • Customer order history •Level of contracted support • List of replaceable parts Which system can Salesforceintegrate with to retrieve this information and make it available to techniciansin the field?
A. An enterprise resource planning system B. A knowledge management system C. A workforce management system D. A third -party mobile application platform
Answer: A
Question # 9
UC must provide contact center agents with access to a customer's payment history if thecall concerns a billing problem. The following considerations need to be taken into account:Billing problems account for less than 5% of the calls. Billing data is stored in an externalsystem containing over 20 million records. Agents do not want to maintain separate loginsessions for Salesforce and the billing system. What solution should a consultantrecommend?
A. Create a custom web service to handle invoice inserts and updates from the billingsystem B. Create a custom tab of type URL that displays a search page from the billing system C. Import payment data into Salesforce and add to the contact page layout related list D. Create a Visualforce page that retrieves payment information via a Web Service call-out
Answer: D
Question # 10
What key metric should a contact center manager use to evaluate the effectiveness of anew Service Cloud implementation? (Choose 2)
A. First contact resolution rate B. Number of total cases handled C. Total number of solutions created by agent D. Average number of knowledge articles published
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