Prepare for your Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification with Dumps4Solution’s CRT-211 exam guide. 100% pass guarantee, free updates, and money-back assurance.
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There is no intricacy in the exam questions and answers; they are simple, easy, and beneficial for all candidates. Since our panel of experts put their best effort into creating them, the questions and answers on Dumps4Solution are packed with the latest and most relevant information accessible.
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You need to sign up for Dumps4Solution's complete exam preparation study guide if you wish to perform well on the test. To help you succeed, we'll provide you with the most up-to-date, reliable, and practical study resources. Our dump is entirely genuine and reasonable, having been created in accordance with actual test specifications. Our specialists are working very hard on behalf of our clients to ensure that they pass the exam on their first try and choose the best study resources to assist them in obtaining a high passing percentage for the CRT-211 certification.
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Beyond all these features, another advantage of Dumps4Solution's solutions is their ease of accessibility. They are immediately downloadable, and you may ask any questions you may have promptly answered by our online customer support team. We take great pride in assisting candidates in overcoming challenges and passing the CRT-211 test on their first attempt. We have a very successful track record over the last few years. For IT specialists, is the ideal option. You will receive exceptional assistance and be able to pass the test with the help of our excellent CRT-211 practice tests and CPQ-Specialist practice test guide. It's going to be an amazing experience to study for the CRT-211 exam with Dumps4Solution, no doubt!
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Real CRT-211 dumps questions are available from Dumps4Solution in test engine and PDF formats. It should make passing the test simpler because it includes the most recent exam questions and answers from the actual test. Every subject and competency needed to pass the test is covered in the Salesforce CRT-211 dumps questions. Through answering the CRT-211 practice questions, you can pinpoint your areas of weakness and concentrate your study sessions on strengthening those areas. Go to the CRT-211 online questions to complete a self-assessment test and receive a sample of genuine questions.
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Question # 1
DreamHouse Realty wants better insights into potential revenue in the next quarter and is
considering using Collaborative Forecasts.
What should the administrator consider when setting up Collaborative Forecasts?
A. Opportunity Split data cannot be viewed in a forecast. B. A forecast can be either revenue-based or quantity-based. C. A single org can have up to six different types of forecasts. D. The default forecast categories cannot be customized.
Answer: B
Question # 2
AW Computing created new multi-tier service plans. The primary difference between the
packages Is the length of the term. The company wants to capture start and end dates for
each service plan sold, which can direr from the contract dates of the subscription.
How should an administrator ensure the data is captured properly?
A. Build a validation rule on the Opportunity object to require custom date fields based on the product(s) selected. B. Configure formula fields to reflect the close date of the opportunity. C. Create a new price book for service plans with term lengths. D. Make a validation rule on the Opportunity Product object to require custom date fields based on the product family.
Answer: B
Question # 3
An administrator at Universal Containers has been asked by the compliance team to
understand end track various sensitivity levels for its data In Salesforce. The administrator
has enabled Data Classification end configured appropriate sensitivity levels. The
compliance team would Ike a report showing field level sensitivity and classification.
What should the administrator recommend?
A. Run the standard Data Classification report. B. Create a custom Entity Definition and Held Definitions report type. C. Use the Data Classification Metadata list view. D. Configure a custom Data Classification and Metadata report type.
Answer: D
Question # 4
At Cloud Kicks, users are able to run reports. However, when users try to export a report,
they are taken to a login screen and prompted for additional verification.
What is causing this issue?
A. Users need to update their browser to the latest version. B. The users are logged Into an Insecure network. C. The users' profile is missing the Export Reports permission. D. Exporting Is configured to require a high assurance session.
Answer: D
Question # 5
On the Contact record, if a contact has the value of 'CEO‘ in the Title field, the
administrator wants to require the users to also put a phone number in the Phone field.
What formula should the administrator put in the Error Condition Formula of a validation
rule to enable this?
A. Title = 'CEO' && NOT(ISBLANK(Phone)) B. Title <> 'CEO' && NOT(ISBLANK(Phone)) C. Q Title = 'CEO' && ISBLANK(Phone) D. Title <> 'CEO' && ISBLANK(Phone)
Answer: C
Question # 6
A user at Ursa Major Solar is experiencing a flow error while trying to process a record to
the next status. The users with the same access can process records without any errors.
What should the administrator do to troubleshoot the issue?
A. Use the flow debug option and set the selection to Run as another user. B. Grant the user more data access by moving them higher in the role hierarchy. C. Change the flow to run as System Context Without Sharing - Access All Data. D. Grant the user the Modify All permission to ensure they have full system access.
Answer: C
Question # 7
Sales reps end partner consultants at Cloud Kicks work on the same kinds of shoe deals.
The administrator has been asked to ensure that the Profit new on the Opportunity object is
available to sales reps and is hidden from partners using Field Level Security.
Which two features should the administrator use to fulfil this request?
Choose 2 answers
A. Permission Set B. Record Type C. Organization-wide Defaults D. Profiles
Answer: A,D
Question # 8
Cloud Kicks has a very large knowledge base in Salesforce, Service reps are having a hard
the finding the most reviewing articles because there are too many search results.
What should the administrator do to help service reps quickly narrow down the number of
A. Implement and configure Data Categories. B. Delete and remove old Knowledge articles. C. Update Knowledge to auto-search the case’s subject. D. Activate and configure Einstein Search.
Answer: A
Question # 9
AW Computing wants to enable a backup resource to assign permissions while restricting
the backup resource's ability to create or modify permission sets.
Which feature should be employed to accomplish this request?
A. Assignment Rules B. Delegated Administrator C. View All Users Permission D. Customize Application Permission
Answer: B
Question # 10
Users at AW Computing are receiving a duplicate message when they enter contacts with
common first and last names. Management wants to improve the user experience but also
keep the data Integrity of contacts.
What should an administrator implement for this issue?
A. Update the matching method on the rule from fuzzy to exact for First Name and Last Name. B. Change the duplicate rule to report Instead of alert so the message is avoided. C. Include the Email field to the existing matching rule for a more exact match. D. Add a secondary matching rule to the duplicate rule to match on the associated customer.
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