
Salesforce B2B-Commerce-Developer Dumps

Dumps4Solution’s B2B Commerce Developer certification exam guide is preferred by many candidates to improve performance and achieve excellent scores.

Exam Code B2B-Commerce-Developer
Exam Name Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer (SP24)
Update Date 14 Sep, 2024
Total Questions 221 Questions Answers With Explanation

Why Dumps4Solution's B2B Commerce Developer Certification Exam Guide is Preferred by Many Candidates

Since we believe that quality is a fundamental component of our company's prosperity, we provide our clients with actual, valid, and authentic test questions along with a 100% first-time passing guarantee. Dumps4Solution's Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer certification exam dumps were created by highly skilled professionals and are based perfectly on the actual test questions and answers that you must correctly respond to pass the exam and obtain your certification.

When you use Dumps4Solution's special, approachable, and contemporary questions and answers guide, you will pass the B2B Commerce Developer test with grace and be protected by a 100% money-back guarantee. Many IT students who previously relied on Dumps4Solution's excellent Q&As dump have passed their certification exams with comfort.

There are no complex or outdated questions or answers included in our test guide; instead, it is updated, easy to read and understand, and helpful to all applicants. The professionals at Dumps4Solution work very hard to ensure that the questions and answers include the most current and important data.

If you pass the exam, you'll receive one of the most desirable qualifications in the field of information technology. For this, you may only use our real exam questions as a study guide.

The Dumps4Solution dump is well-known to candidates due to its affordable price and high-quality study materials. The most extensive and effective study resources are available from Dumps4Solution in three easy-to-understand formats. Its diligent team of professionals focuses just on the most significant exam aspects to produce superior tools for learning. Dumps4Solution's test guide is a true treasure for any student who aspires to become an expert in information technology and has to pass a certification test rapidly.

Because we give you 100% genuine and reliable study materials, our test guide includes the majority of the questions that are probably going to be on your real exam. In addition to all these advantages, Dumps4Solution offers easily available study materials. Our online customer care agents would be pleased to respond to any questions you may have and provide you with our instructions immediately.

About the Salesforce B2B Commerce Developer Certification Exam

If you decide to take the Salesforce B2B Commerce Developer certification exam, you may be unsure about some of the questions. Don't worry; Dumps4Solution has provided you with all the information you need below:

  • What is the B2B Commerce Developer Certification Test? The Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer certification test is intended for experts who work with Salesforce's B2B Commerce platform to build business-to-business (B2B) commerce solutions. This certification attests to the proficiency of developers in creating and executing B2B commerce solutions tailored to the unique requirements of enterprises.
  • Who is Eligible for the Certification Test? Candidates are eligible to take the test if they have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of B2B commerce, experience creating solutions for it, and competence with relevant programming languages including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Key Topics for the Exam
    • Overview of the Salesforce B2B Commerce Platform: Features, architecture, and capabilities.
    • Data Model: Familiarity with the Salesforce B2B Commerce data model and its configuration and management procedures.
    • Catalog Management: Creating and overseeing product catalogs, including goods, categories, and prices.
    • Storefront Customization: Customizing the B2B Commerce storefront with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Salesforce B2B Commerce APIs.
    • Order Lifecycle Management: Overseeing the origination, processing, fulfillment, and payment of orders.
    • Integration: Connecting payment gateways, CRM, ERP, and other services and systems with Salesforce B2B Commerce.
    • Security and Compliance: Implementing best practices for security and ensuring compliance with relevant laws, like GDPR.

Benefits of Passing the B2B Commerce Developer Certification Exam

Passing the B2B Commerce Developer certification exam can offer several benefits. Salesforce experts in the IT industry highly value Dumps4Solution's authentic, useful, and updated test guide for passing the Salesforce exam. Passing the Salesforce Accredited B2B Commerce Developer certification exam will benefit your professional and personal lives significantly. It boosts your confidence, makes you feel accomplished, and advances your knowledge and abilities. It can significantly increase your marketability and lead to more networking opportunities, job security, and earning potential opportunities in terms of your career. It also establishes you as a Salesforce authority and lays the framework for future specialization and career growth.

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Question # 1

Which Global JavaScript Object should be extended whenwriting custom Remote Actions?

B. CCRZ.cc
C. CCRZ.cc_CallContext
D. CCRZ.RemoteInvocation

Question # 2

When a user buys 10 units of product B, the user wants 1 unit of Product A to beautomatically added to the cart. How can this requirement be fulfilled?

A. Override the AllowCheckout method in ccrz.cc_api_CartExtension
B. Override the prepareForSave method in ccrz.cc_api_CartExtension
C. Override the preprocess method in ccrz.cc_api_CartExtension
D. Override the prepareToAdd method in ccrz.cc_api_CartExtension

Question # 3

A Developer created a custom field that a project wants to expose on a given page.How does the Developer ensure that the field is available to display on a given page?

A. Override the Service Class that the page uses and update the ServiceManagementin CCAdmin for the given storefront to use this new Service Class.
B. Override the Logic Class that the page uses and update the Service Management inCCAdmin for the given storefront to use this new Service Class
C. Create a new Service Classthat the page uses and update the Service Managementin CCAdmin for the given storefront to use this new Service Class
D. Create a new Logic Class that the page uses and update the Service Managementin CCAdmin for the given storefront to use this new Service Class

Question # 4

Which cookie stores the effective account ID when effective account is enabled?

A. apex__cclgtkn
B. apex__effacc
C. apex__currCartId
D. apex__cc_anonymous_Country

Question # 5

A user wants the pricing to reflect the price values stored in an external ERP duringthe checkoutflow. In what way can this requirement be satisfied?

A. Override the computePricingCart method in ccrz.cc_api_PriceAdjustoment and makethe callout in this method.
B. None of the above
C. Override the computePricingReview method in ccrz.cc_CartExtension and make thecallout in this method.
D. Override the computePricingCart methos in ccrz.cc_api_CartExtension and make thecallout in this method.

Question # 6

A user wants to have a Contact Us page in the storefront. This page will be a web-toleadform and it should have the header and footer, essentially the same look and feel asall the pages in the application. How can this requirement be fulfilled?

A. Page Include
B. Subscriber Page (CC Page)
C. Subscriber Template
D. Body Include Begin

Question # 7

Which method signature is used in the Global API's?

A. Changes based on API and Method name
B. ccrz.cc_Output (ccrz:cc_Input input)
C. Map<String, Object>
D. List<List<Object>>

Question # 8

Which three actions are applicable when extendinga default Salesforce B2B Commercepage via a page include? (3 answers)

A. Create a Service Class override to query the new page include.
B. Create the VisualForce page you wish to include to the Salesforce b2B Commercepage.
C. Prepend "c." to the name ofthe page referenced in the configuration setting.
D. Create a configuration setting for enabling the page include and assigning the new pageinclude via CC admin.
E. Build and activate a new configuration cache setting via CC admin.

Question # 9

How is a price group dynamically set?

A. By overriding the ccLogicProductPrice class
B. By using contract pricing
C. By extending the ccApiPriceList API
D. By extending the cc_hk_priceing hook

Question # 10

What isthe difference between Gross Layout Overrides and Subscriber Templates?

A. Gross Layout Overrides allow modification to CSS of a page, while SubscriberTemplates allows for modification of the entire page including header and footer.
B. Subscriber Templates allows for modification of the header, the footer and the content inbetween them. Gross Layout Overrides only allow for modification of the header and footer.
C. Subscriber Templates allow for modification of the header and the footer, while GrossLayout Overrides allow for modification everything inside the header and footer.
D. Gross Layout Overrides allow for the modification of the footer, while SubscriberTemplates allow for modification of everything inside the header and footer.