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About the Salesforce B2C-Commerce-Architect Certification Exam
When you decide to take the Salesforce B2C-Commerce-Architect (W124) certification exam, the following information will help you:
What is the B2C-Commerce-Architect Certification Exam? Salesforce offers the B2C Commerce Architect certification as a component of their certification program for experts in Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud solution architecture.
The Role of B2C-Commerce Architect Certification: The role of a B2C Commerce Architect is to validate the knowledge and skills needed to develop scalable and reliable B2C Commerce solutions with Salesforce technology. This certification does just that. In this position, architects usually create solutions that satisfy business needs, interface with other systems, and guarantee performance and scalability.
What the Exam Typically Covers: Following topics are included in this certification exam:
Architecture Design
Data Modeling and Management
Performance and Scalability
Customization and Development
Best Practices and Troubleshooting and Optimization
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Question # 1
The Client has requested an Architect’s help in documenting the architectural approach to
a new home page. The requirements provided by the business are:
• Multiple areas of static image content, some may need text shown at well
• The content page must be Realizable
• A carousel of featured products must be shown below a banner 101191
• Recommended categories will be featured based on the time of year
Which two solutions would fulfil these requirements?
Choose 2 answers
A. Leverage B2C Commerce ContentManagement Service B. Leverage B2C Commerce locales in Business Manager C. Leverage B2C Commerce content slots and assets D. Leverage B2C Commerce Page Designer with a dynamic layout.
Answer: C,D
Question # 2
The Architect has been presented with a requirement from thebusiness to implement a new
LINK cartridge. The current site is built on the Storefront Reference Architecture, and the
LINK cartridge is certified for Pipelines and Controllers. On review, the Architect notes that
the Jobs are all created in Pipelines.
How should the Architect implement that cartridge to make sure the required jobs runs
property? A. The Job Pipelines must be updated to use SiteGenesis Controllers. B. The job Pipelines must be removed and recreated with scripts. C. The job Pipelines must beupdated to use SFRA Controllers. D. The job Pipelines must be updated to work as custom job steps.
Answer: D
Question # 3
During code review, the Architect found that there is a service call on every visit of the
product detail woe (PDP).
What best practices should the Architect ensure are followed for the service configuration?
Choose 2 answers
A. Circuit breaker is enabled.
B. Service timeout is set.
C. Service mock up call is configured.
D. Service logging is disabled.
Answer: A,B
Question # 4
During implementation, the team found that there is a notification controller exposed for an
external service that marks the order as paid when notification is received. The notification
URL is sent to the service together with the payment request and contains only the URL
with orderlD as the parameter.
What should the Architect recommend to the team in order to prevent the unauthorized
usage of the controller to mark the orders as paid?
A. Add a customer number in the callback URL and match the customer number against
the one stored on the order. B. Add HTTPS restriction to the controller start node. C. Add an order token in the callback URL and match the token against the one stored on
the order. D. Add a session attribute and validate it on the callback.
Answer: C
Question # 5
A new project for a Client will involve a few different Integrations to their middleware
system resulting in four different web services. All will use the same credentials to the
middleware. Each will have the same timeout, but will require a separate log file prefix.
How should the Architect set this up with the Service framework using a minimal set of configuration?
A. Four Service Configurations. Four Service Profiles,One Service Credential B. Four Service Configurations. Four Service Profiles, Four Service Credentials C. Four Service Configurations. One Service Profile, One Service Credential. D. One Service Configuration, Four Service Profiles, One Service Credential.
Answer: C
Question # 6
The storefront integrates with a REST based Address verification service (AVS) that uses
token based security. The sequence of calls in the API documentation for this AVS looks
like the following
1. Client authentication call, which contains the merchantId and secret in a GET request
and returns a token in the response.
2. Address verification call, which contains the token and the address to verify in aPOST
Once the token is obtained, it is valid for hours and it is not needed to request a new one
for subsequent address verification calls, the AVS charges for every request made no
matter if it is client authentication call or address verification call.
Which three strategies could be applied to allow for efficient use of the service without
compromising security? Choose 3 answers
A. Apply page caching to the client authentication controller that is used with AJAX. B. Obtain the token from local storage of the browser and update it once It expires. C. Obtain the token from a custom cache before making the client authentication call. D. Use HTTPService caching for the client authentication call. E. Use a job to store and update the token in a customobject that is used from the
storefront code
Answer: A,C,D
Question # 7
A new version of the Page Show controller is required for implementation of Page Deserter
specific look. It requires implementation of a specific, cache period for Page Designer
pages, which b not currently available in the base Storefront Reference Architecture
(SFRA) cache.js module
What two steps should the Architect instruct the developer to implement?
Choose 2 answers
A. Create new Page.js controller in client s cartridge. Copy code from base and modify the
Page-Show route to include the new cache middleware function. B. Create new ceche,js client's cartridge. Copy cache,js from app_storefront_base and add
a function forthe Page Designer caching.
C. Create new Page,js controller in client's cartridge. Extend the code from base and
prepend the new cache middleware function to Page-Show route. D. Create new cache,js in client's cartridge. Extend cache,js from app_storefront_base and
add a function for the Page Designer caching.
Answer: C,D
Question # 8
An Architect has been asked by the Business to integrate a newpayment LINK cartridge.
As part of the integration, the Architect has created four new services to access various
endpoints in the integration.
How can the Architect move the new services to Production when the integration is ready
for launch?
A. The new services will be moved to Production with a Data Replication. B. The new services will be moved to production with a Site Import. C. The new services must be manually exported from staging and Imported into
Production. D. The new services will be moved toProduction with a Code Replication.
Answer: C
Question # 9
The Client is creating a new Storefront and their requirements include:
• ApplePay support
• Log -n through a standard OAuth2 social media account
• One Okie checkout process
• Ay Btesting for promotions
Which two items require technical documentation for customizing the Storefront Reference Architecture?
Choose 2 answers
A. One Click checkout process B. ApplePay support C. log in through a standard OAuth2 social media account D. A/B testing for promotions
Answer: A,B
Question # 10
During load testing, a third party service is constantly failing to respond in a timely manner
on the Product Listing Page. The page is not affected at it is collecting data with the server
side call, however the loading time b increasing.
Which two recommendations should the developer take inorder to minimize the risk and
Improve the loading time?
Choose 2 answers
A. Ask the third party to improve the reliability of the service.
B. Decrease the service timeout.
C. Enable the Circuit Breaker.
D. Remove the service.
E. Load the data asynchronously after the page is loaded
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