
Salesforce CRT-402 Dumps

Prepare for the Salesforce CRT-402 exam with Dumps4Solution’s accurate and up-to-date study materials, practice tests, and money-back guarantee.

Exam Code CRT-402
Exam Name Certification Preparation for Platform App Builder (SP24)
Update Date 14 Sep, 2024
Total Questions 234 Questions Answers With Explanation

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The most recent Salesforce (Certification Preparation for Platform App Builder) CRT-402 exam dumps are available at Dumps4Solution, and they have been painstakingly checked by experts and professionals. These brain dumps are made to make difficult subjects simpler and offer concise explanations so that you may understand the ideas more easily. You may study at your own pace and in your free time with Dumps4Solution's CRT-402 test dumps, which enables you to concentrate on your weakest areas. You may cover every subject in a methodical manner thanks to the dumps' user-friendly format and well-organized structure, which improves your confidence and general preparation.

Dumps4Solution's CRT-402 test dumps include carefully selected questions and answers that address every subject in the CRT-402 exam syllabus. You may be confident that you are ready for every facet of the test thanks to these real and current questions. You can obtain a thorough comprehension of the exam material and increase your chances of passing on your first try by going over these questions and answers. Anyone who is serious about passing the Salesforce CRT-402 test will find that Dumps4Solution's CRT-402 dumps are an invaluable resource due to their correctness and relevance.

You may use the test dumps from Dumps4Solution right now to get ready for the CRT-402 certification exam. The most recent CRT-402 dumps are of the highest caliber, offering you the opportunity to confirm your skills and perform well on the CRT-402 test. They include 100% accurate questions and answers. Our carefully designed CRT-402 test dumps will help you achieve your goals in a short amount of time. Get the CRT-402 test questions guide for in-depth preparation and achieve a high passing score on the Salesforce CRT-402 exam. All our updated dumps are verified and contain excellent questions and answers, making it easier to get certified and get great scores. This will greatly improve your professional knowledge and position you as an accomplished Salesforce expert. Utilizing the most recent dumps, you can confidently get ready and safeguard your career as a Salesforce expert.

The CRT-402 dumps have been designed by Dumps4Solution with useful practice test questions that have been thoroughly examined to ensure your success. You can practice the CRT-402 dumps in their user-friendly style, which offers a fantastic chance to pass the CRT-402 exam rapidly. You have an easy, time-saving, and location-free approach to study for your exam with the updated exam questions in PDF format. You can print these questions if you would rather have hard copies. Alternatively, you can use a range of smart devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones, to access the questions. Regular use of Dumps4Solution's dumps PDF will raise your chances of passing the exam the first time around.

Focus on Dumps4Solution, these comprehensive and updated test dumps are enough to help you study effectively and succeed in your certification journey with full confidence.

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Question # 1

User at Universal Containers needs to be able to quickly create a contact record from theAccount record's Chatter feed. How should the App Builder enable the functionality?

A. By creating a custom “Create a Record” Action on the Account.
B. By creating a custom “Detail Page” Button on the Account.
C. By creating a custom “Detail Page” Button on the Contract.
D. By creating a custom “Create a Record” Action on the Contract

Question # 2

An app Builder creates an Account validation rule on the Industry field that will throw anerror if the length of the field is longer than 6 characters. Another App Builder creates aworkflow rule with a field update that sets the Industry field to Technology whenever theBilling City field is set to San Francisco. What will happen the next time a sales personsaves an Account with a Billing City of San Francisco?

A. The record will save and the Industry field will change to Technology
B. The record will not save and the validation rule’s error message will be displayed
C. The record will not save and no error message will be displayed
D. The record will save but the Industry field will not change to Technology

Question # 3

Universal Container wants to display a message when a case needs follow up. What canbe used to display different text on the case record depending on the number of days acase is opened?

A. Formula Field
B. Workflow Update
C. Case Process
D. Lightning Process Builder

Question # 4

What is a true statement in regards to creating custom report types?

A. When the primary object is a custom object and is deleted, then the report type and anyreports created from it must be deleted manually.
B. The detail object in a master- detail relationship cannot be added as a secondary objecton a custom report type
C. Once a report type is saved with a standard or custom primary object, the primary objectcannot be changed for that report type.
D. Any object can be chosen unless the object is no visible to the person creating thereport type through security settings

Question # 5

Which statement is true when a new full sandbox is created? Choose 2 answers

A. User’s email addresses will not be modified.
B. Default email deliverability is set to system email only
C. Chatter data will be copied to the sandbox by default
D. Usernames will be modified uniquely for that sandbox

Question # 6

The VP of sales at Universal Containers wants to have a set of screens to guide the insidesales team through collecting and updating data for leads. How can the App Builderaccomplish this?

A. Visual workflow
B. Lightning Process Builder
C. Workflow
D. Lightning Connect

Question # 7

Which setting is available to customize Salesforce1 mobile app for branding? Choose 3 answers

A. Header and search bar color.
B. The image on loading page
C. Background color on loading page.
D. Notification and search icon
E. Action bar color

Question # 8

What metadata changes can be made directly in a production environment withoutdeploying from sandbox? Choose 2 answers

A. Apex Triggers
B. Visualforce Pages
C. Validation Rules
D. ApexClasses

Question # 9

A manager wants to calculate the number of days since an account was last contactedthrough email.Which field type should be used to accomplish this?

A. Formula
B. Number
C. Roll-up Summary
D. Date

Question # 10

What type of field can be used to filter a Report Chart that has been added to aPageLayout?

A. Name Field
B. Formula Field
C. Matching ID Field
D. Standard Field