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Salesforce Health Cloud Accredited Professional Exam (SP24)
Update Date
14 Sep, 2024
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228 Questions Answers With Explanation
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Question # 1
A client wants to store data for patient’s smartwatch to display within the RemoteMonitoring charts. What object would you store this information in?
A. DiagnosticSummary B. Care Observations C. Clinical Encounters D. Identifiers
Answer: B
Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation2, Care Observations is an object
in Health Cloud that is used to store the data for patient’s smartwatch to display within the
Remote Monitoring charts. Care Observations include information such as the observation
type, value, unit, date, and time. Care Observations can be created from various sources,
such as connected devices, manual entry, or external systems2.
Question # 2
A customer wants to view and navigate to critical insurance, clinical, and primary carephysician information on a patient's profile.Which Health Cloud capability should a consultant implement?
A. Advanced Patient Card B. Patient Path C. Enhanced Highlights Panel D. Enhanced Timeline
Answer: A
The Advanced Patient Card is a Health Cloud capability that allows users to view and
navigate to critical information on a patient’s profile, such as insurance, clinical, and
primary care physician information1. The Advanced Patient Card is a customizable
component that can be added to the Health Cloud console or the Contact Center app2. It
can also display data from external sources, such as EHR systems or medical devices3.
1: Use the Advanced Patient Card - Salesforce 2: Configure the Person Account Page
Layout for Contact Center - Salesforce 3: Display Data from External Sources in the
Advanced Patient Card - Salesforce
Question # 3
A customer wants to leverage dependent intervention tasks as part of their carecoordination solution using Integrated Care Management.Which feature should a consultant configure to accomplish this task?
A. Intervention Templates B. Action Plan Templates C. Care Plan Task Templates D. Industry Template Library
Answer: B
Explanation: The feature that the consultant should configure to leverage dependent
intervention tasks as part of their care coordination solution using Integrated Care
Management is Action Plan Templates. Action Plan Templates are reusable sets of tasks
that can be assigned to patients or members based on their care needs. Action Plan
Templates can include dependent tasks that are triggered by the completion of other tasks.
Question # 4
Bloomington Caregivers has created and tested its first care plan template in a sandbox,Which includes problems, goals, and tasks. The company has deployed this template to itsfinal environment using Data Loader.Which two steps should a consultant recommend, following this deployment, to enableusers to successfully leverage this new template?
A. Conduct end-user training O he use of the care plan template. B. Confirm User access to Care plan objects. C. Activate the new care plan template. D. Activate the problems; goals, and tasks associated with the template.
Answer: B,C
After deploying a care plan template from a sandbox to a final environment using Data
Loader, the consultant should recommend the following two steps to enable users to
successfully leverage the new template:
Confirm User access to Care plan objects: The consultant should ensure that the
users have the appropriate permissions and sharing settings to access the care
plan objects, such as Care Plan Template, Care Plan Template Problem, Care
Plan Template Goal, and Care Plan Template Task1. The users should also have
access to the parent records of the care plan objects, such as Account or
Activate the new care plan template: The consultant should activate the new care
plan template by changing its status from Draft to Active3. This will make the
template available for users to apply to their patients. The consultant does not
need to activate the problems, goals, and tasks associated with the template
separately, as they are automatically activated when the template is activated3.
1: Permissions Required for Care Plans - Salesforce 2: Give Caseworkers Access to Goal Assignments and Benefit Assignments Related to Care Plans - Salesforce 3: Create a Care
Plan Template - Salesforce
Question # 5
How should a consultant at a large provider system model a patient in Health Cloud?
A. Configure Account B. Leverage Contact-Contact C. Configure Contact D. Leverage Person Account
Answer: D
D is correct because leveraging Person Account is the recommended way to
model a patient in Health Cloud. A Person Account is a special type of account
that combines the attributes of an account and a contact. It allows users to store
information about individual people, such as name, address, phone number, email, and health details. Health Cloud uses Person Accounts to represent patients and
members, and to enable various features and functionality, such as household
data model, clinical data model, care management, and provider network
References: : Health Cloud Data Models for Healthcare : Take a Look at the Household
Data Model
Question # 6
While working with a received document using Intelligent Document Automation, which three capabilities should a consultant leverage with Health Cloud out-of-the-box?
A. Barcode Scanning B. Record Type Association C. eFax Connection D. Automated Document Checklist Item Creation E. Document Rotation
Answer: A,B,D
A is correct because barcode scanning is a capability that can be leveraged with
Health Cloud out-of-the-box using Intelligent Document Automation (IDA). IDA can
scan and extract data from barcodes on documents, such as patient wristbands,
lab reports, or medication labels.
B is correct because record type association is a capability that can be leveraged
with Health Cloud out-of-the-box using IDA. IDA can associate a document with a
specific record type based on the document type, such as consent form, referral
letter, or discharge summary.
C is incorrect because eFax connection is not a capability that can be leveraged
with Health Cloud out-of-the-box using IDA. IDA does not support receiving or
sending documents via eFax. However, it is possible to integrate IDA with thirdparty
eFax services using custom code or connectors.
D is correct because automated document checklist item creation is a capability
that can be leveraged with Health Cloud out-of-the-box using IDA. IDA can create
document checklist items for documents that are received and processed, and
update their status based on the document processing stage.
References: : Intelligent Document Automation : Intelligent Document Automation for
Question # 7
Which data model is used to represent information via standard object and record types onstandard objects to manage how care is covered?
A. Health Insurance data model B. Coverage data model C. Payer data model D. Plan data model E. Benefit data model
Answer: B
Explanation: Coverage data model (B) is the data model that is used to represent
information via standard object and record types on standard objects to manage how care
and Benefit data model (E) are not valid data models in Health Cloud.
Question # 8
A customer is implementing Intelligent Appointment Management in Health Cloud toeliminate swivel chair to other scheduling systems. Which two connectivity options should aconsultant leverage as the scheduling engine?
A. Business Rules Engine B. Electronic Health Record (EHR) System C. Salesforce Scheduler D. Scheduler for Industries
Answer: B,C
Explanation: The two connectivity options that a consultant should leverage as the
scheduling engine for Intelligent Appointment Management in Health Cloud are Electronic
Health Record (EHR) System and Salesforce Scheduler. An EHR System is an external
system that stores and manages clinical data and appointments for patients or members.
Salesforce Scheduler is a native Salesforce feature that allows users to schedule
appointments with customers or prospects.
Question # 9
Bloomington Caregivers wants to share details about a patient's medical condition withBedrock Hospitals through an integration. What should a consultant recommend as theappropriate method for Bedrock to access the information leveraging Health Cloudfunctionality?
A. Expose the MedicalCondition object through an Apex class. B. Integrate using the FHIR Clinical API C. Use the FHIR Patient API through DataRaptor D. Leverage the MedicalCondition Integration Procedure.
Answer: B
B is correct because integrating using the FHIR Clinical API is the appropriate
method for Bedrock to access the information leveraging Health Cloud
functionality. The FHIR Clinical API is a RESTful API that allows external systems
to access and exchange clinical data stored in Health Cloud, such as
AllergyIntolerance, Condition, MedicationOrder, and Procedure. The FHIR Clinical
API uses the FHIR standard, which is a widely adopted interoperability standard
for healthcare data.
References: : FHIR Clinical API : FHIR Overview
Question # 10
Which Permission Set Licenses and Permission Sets need to be assigned to users toleverage Utilization Management' (Choose three)
A. Health Cloud Analytics Permission Set B. Health Cloud Platform Permission Set License C. Health Cloud Utilization Management Permission Set D. Health Cloud Permission Set License E. Health Cloud Foundation Permission Set
Answer: B,C,D
Explanation: To leverage Utilization Management features in Health Cloud, users need to
have Health Cloud Permission Set License, Health Cloud Utilization Management
Permission Set, and Health Cloud Foundation Permission Set. Health Cloud Permission
Set License grants access to the Health Cloud platform objects and features. Health Cloud
Utilization Management Permission Set grants access to utilization management objects so
users can manage care requests and reviews. Health Cloud Foundation Permission Set
assigns read access to additional Health Cloud platform capabilities4. Health Cloud
Analytics Permission Set and Health Cloud Platform Permission Set License are not
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