
Salesforce PDII Dumps

Ace the Salesforce PDII exam with Dumps4Solution's reliable, up-to-date PDII Dumps PDF. Benefit from our expertly crafted Q&A, 100% passing guarantee.

Exam Code PDII
Exam Name Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II (SP24)
Update Date 14 Sep, 2024
Total Questions 196 Questions Answers With Explanation

Significant details about Dumps4Solution as a top selling platform of (Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II (WI24) PDll) certification exam questions and answers study dump:

Dumps4Solution’s most knowledgeable and experienced staff members are giving our clients access to valid, up-to-date and authentic study materials in easy-to-use PDF format. Our experts ensure that our students pass the (Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II (WI24) PDll) exam with more than 90% of the possible scores. Our skilled staff is constantly working very hard to update the PDll content on daily basis according to IT market standards. We value our customer's time and money highly, thus we never take it lightly and have worked hard to give them the world's best, easiest and affordable study material as can as possible. So. It really has a 1% chance of failing.

You need to enroll in Dumps4Solution's comprehensive exam preparation program if you want to ace the test. We'll give you access to real study materials that will enable you to do well. The information we have supplied is just as accurate as studying the actual test questions and solutions. We have our professionals working hard on behalf of our clients. in order for them to effortlessly pass their exam on their first try.

Furthermore, Dumps4Solution’s staff regularly maintains the Salesforce PDII questions and answers dump. If there are any changes, they immediately inform our clients and send them updated study guides to help them get ready for the test. Clients are able to reach out to our agents at any moment for help, around-the-clock. Any exam-related information they require will be provided by our agent, and they are welcome to ask any questions they may have. We're here to give them all the study materials they need to ace the PDII exam and get outstanding scores.

In order to help our students, pass the Salesforce PDII test on their first try, we provide them with actual exam questions accompanied by a 100% passing guarantee. Our PDII dumps PDF were created by knowledgeable professionals based precisely on the actual test questions and answers that you will need to complete in order to receive your certification.

Your path to become certified in Salesforce PDLL

The following comprehensive information regarding the Salesforce Certified Platform Developer II (WI24) certification will be very helpful to our clients before to taking the Salesforce PDll exam:

  • Salesforce offers a certification test called the Salesforce PDII (Certified Platform Developer II) for developers who wish to show off their advanced knowledge and proficiency in creating, implementing, and managing intricate business solutions on the Salesforce platform. The test measures a candidate's proficiency with the Salesforce platform's sophisticated programmatic features.
  • Before taking the PDII test, candidates must obtain the Salesforce Platform Developer I certification. Building on the knowledge and abilities verified by the Platform Developer I certification, the PDII is regarded as a more advanced level of certification.
  • Deployment, Testing, and Debugging, Data Management and Modeling, Automation of Processes and Logic, Salesforce Foundations, User Interface, Performance, Integration, Apex Development, Security, Patterns of Design and Business Development these are the key topic of your PDll exam.
  • Candidates with at least two to four years of Salesforce development expertise are preferred. Practical expertise with Apex, Visualforce, Lightning Components, and other Salesforce platform development tools and approaches should be part of this experience.
  • Obtaining the Salesforce Platform Developer II certification proves to clients and companies that a developer is capable of managing intricate development projects and has a thorough understanding of the Salesforce platform. It can improve professional credibility and lead to more advanced career prospects.

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Dumps4Solution consistently strives to provide authentic test dumps that comprise the most recent questions and answers for all IT certification certifications in order to assist students in achieving their objectives of getting promoted or enhancing their professional credentials. This most up-to-date and correct study guide is provided, with questions and answers that are 100% genuine and correspond to the test. The main advantages that you can look forward to after obtaining certification with the aid of Dumps4Solution's trustworthy dumps are validation of skills, recognition of professionalism, increased pay, networking opportunities, career opportunities, advancement in career before time, and enhanced understanding and proficiency.

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Question # 1

A developer receives an error when trying to call a global server-side method using the @remoteAction decorator. How can the developer resolve the error?

A. Add static to the server-side method signature.
B. Decorate the server-side method with (static=true).
C. Change the function signature to be private static.
D. Decorate the server-side method with (static=false)

Question # 2

A developer receives the exception 'SOQL query not selective enough' when performing a query on an object with a large amount of data. Which step should be taken to resolve the issue?

A. Use an ID in the WHERE clause of the SOQL query.
B. Perform the SOQL query as part of a FOR loop.
C. Perform the SOQL query via a call to the REST API.
D. Move the SOQL query to within an asynchronous process.

Question # 3

A large company uses Salesforce across several departments. Each department has its own Salesforce Administrator. It was agreed that each Administrator would have their own sandbox in which to test changes. Recently, users notice that fields that were recently added for one department suddenly disappear without warning. Also, Workflows that once sent emails and created tasks no longer do so. Which two statements are true regarding these issues and resolution? Choose 2 answers

A. A sandbox should be created to use as a unified testing environment instead of deploying Change Sets directly to production.
B. Page Layouts should never be deployed via Change Sets, as this causes Workflows and Field-level Security to be reset and fields to disappear.
C. The administrators are deploying their own Change Sets, thus deleting each other's fields from the objects in production.
D. The administrators are deploying their own Change Sets over each other, thus replacing entire Page Layouts and Workflows in Production

Question # 4

A developer notices the execution of all the test methods in a class takes a long time to run, due to the initial setup of ail the test data that is needed to perform the tests.What should the developer do to speed up test execution''

A. Define a method that creates test data and annotate with @testSetup.
B. Define a method that creates test data and annotate with @createData
C. Reduce the amount of test methods in the class.
D. Ensure proper usage of test data factory In all test methods.

Question # 5

A company has a web page that needs to get Account record information, given its Salesforce record ID, from JavaScript on the page and then display it. Which method of integration is optimal?

B. Apex REST Web Service
C. Apex SOAP Web Service

Question # 6

A developer needs to store variables to control the style and behavior of a Lightning Web Component. Which feature should be used to ensure that the variables are testable in both Production and all Sandboxes?

A. Custom Metadata
B. Custom Object
C. Custom Setting
D. Custom Variable

Question # 7

After a Platform Event is defined in a Salesforce org, events can be published via which two mechanisms? Choose 2 answers

A. internal Apps can use Outbound Messages
B. Internal Apps can use Process Builder.
C. External Apps require a custom Apex web service.
D. External Apps can use the standard Streaming API.

Question # 8

An org has a requirement that the Shipping Address on the Account must be validated by a third-party web service, before the Account is allowed to be inserted.What is the optimal way to meet this requirement?

A. Make a callout to the web service from a custom Visualforce controller.
B. Make a callout to the web service from a standard Visualforce controller.
C. Make a callout to the web service from an after insert trigger.
D. Make a callout to the web service from a before insert trigger.

Question # 9

A developer sees test failures in the sandbox but not in production. No code or metadata changes have been actively made to either environment since the sandbox was created.Which consideration should be checked to resolve the issue?

A. Ensure the Apex Classes are on the same API version.
B. Ensure Process Builder processes are inactive.
C. Ensure the sandbox is on the same release as production.
D. Ensure Workflow Rules are inactive.

Question # 10

Which annotation exposes an Apex class as a RESTful neb service?

A. @RemoteAction
B. @RestRtsoorct
C. @AuraEnaWed
D. @HttpInvocabte